Tricia Hewlett Art

Wildlife Artist

Nov 3, 2020

On the Drawing Board

What to draw next…

​There is a list on my wall of the birds I want to draw. It continues to grow despite having an ever increasing collection of bird art. 

Drawing ideas list

​Usually I decide what to draw next by what is around that I can photograph and is inspiring me at the time I complete an artwork. Although, I do have a few works planned out and ready for those times I can’t get photos of the birds and critters I am watching. 

Sometimes it is a request from one of you that actions a certain bird. 

Currently on the drawing board is a bellbird. I had a message from a woman who likes my style and wondered if I had a bellbird. I replied that it was one I had ​planned out but not started.

Then she told me that the bellbird became special to her during lockdown. There was no traffic noise to overshadow the bellbirds call. She listened and enjoyed them calling near her home. Then we all went back to our busy noisy lives. Now when she hears a bellbird it reminds her to slow down.

I love this story! So, instead of finishing my yellow-eyed penguin, I reworked the planning of my bellbird and started layering in the details. About half way through, approximately 10 hours work, I was visited by a bumblebee. This bumblebee reminded me that I have not yet found time to draw it by pooping on the bellbird drawing! 

Bellbird Bubble – work in progress

So, back to the start. The good thing about having to restart an artwork is that the little things that were not wrong but could have been better can be made better. 

If you are keen to see my work, I currently have work on display at the Ashburton Art Society 56th Annual Art Exhibition at the Ashburton Art Gallery, and the Feathered Friends Exhibition at Te Huanui Gallery in Darfield (which includes the four miniatures above). 
Prints and cards are available the Artisan Lab in Little River and at Fishermans Bay Garden.
Coming up this month I will be a part of the Uno Sqaure Exhibition at Art on Tyne in Oamaru, The Akaroa Gallery Cash and Carry Exhibition and the Ngaio Marsh Retirement Village Exhibition.
Then in early Dec I will have my prints and cards at the Mandeville Craft Festival in North Canterbury.
​More details are here.

Remember if you are interested in any of my art, have a question or just want to make contact,
you can send a message …
*post a comment on this blog
​*email at
* my website

Thanks for taking the time to read my blog.
Nga mihi,
Tricia Hewlett

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