Upcoming Exhibitions…
Spring and early summer are a great time of year for exhibitions.
Coming up in the next six weeks are:
October 12-13
Diana Issac Art Expo
at the Diana Issac Retirement Village
1 Diana Issac Way, Mairehau, Christchurch
Open from 10 am to 3 pm each day.
This is a Cash and Carry Show.
November 7-10
Dunedin Art Show
Edgar Centre, More FM Arena, Dunedin
Opening night is Thurs 7 Nov – tickets avaliable online at www.dunedinartshow.co.nz
Open Fri 8th (10am to 6pm), Sat 9th (10am to 8pm) and Sun 10th (10am to 4pm),
This is a Cash ad Carry Show
Nov 30th until Xmas
Orion Powerhouse Gallery
I Rue Pompallier, Akaroa
Open 10 am to 4 pm Wed to Sun
This is a Cash and Carry Show.
It would be lovely if you get a chance to see one of these exhibitions.
Feel free to contact me if you have any comments about them, or other issues related to my art.
Nga mihi, Tricia