Tricia Hewlett Art

Wildlife Artist

Sep 10, 2019

Upcoming Exhibitions – Sept 2019

I have a few exhibitions coming up.
​If you are interested you can see my work alongside other artists at:

Home Cash and Carry Exhibition
Pumanawa Gallery, ChCh Arts Centre
Sept 9 to 22

4th Annual Pegasus Art Show
Pegasus School, Pegasus Town, Canterbury
Sept 20 to 22

Forever Art Cash and Carry Exhibition
Diana Issac Retirement Home, Maiehau, ChCh.
Oct 11 to 13

Annual Cash an Carry Exhibition
Orion Powerhouse Gallery, Akaroa
Nov 30 to Dec 22

It’s both exciting and nerve racking planning for art exhibitions.
There are many art show and exhibitions on around the country, but we can’t get to all of them. Choosing which ones to attend and ensuring enough artwork for each one is a task on it’s own. Then there is the administration involved; applications, pricing, biography, transport, and packaging to name a few. It’s also a huge learning curve for someone like myself who is only a year into the “business”of art, and certainly not the image of the artist spending all day creating artworks that is pictured by many. 
But, guess what? I love it! Not just the creating but the planning, administration, logistics and most especially meeting all the art appreciators at these events.
Thanks for coming to these events and chatting about art….my favourite subject!

Thanks for taking the time to look at my blog.
If you think my art would suit an event or gallery near you, contact me
​Nga Mihi, Tricia

Geeking Out on Gecko

Gecko are elusive and elegant.I've been geeking out on gecko these past months as I work towards an exhibition. Peninsula to PlainsTe Huanui Gallery - DarfieldYou are welcome to the opening night: Friday Sept 27th, 2024 6.30 pm.Open Sept 28 to Oct 24. Five Banks...

What is Tricia Hewlett Art?

Tricia Hewlett Art is my small business creating, exhibiting and teaching art to protect the critters one artwork at a time. Wild about wildlife, I spend time creating art as a way to find the beauty within, show the character of the critters, and honour their...

Marking Books

& making bookmarks. Are you a reader? Despite being a very slow reader I love books. Being a slow reader and reading multiple books at any one time, means I make good use of bookmarks. So, I made some. Some for me and some for you. Each of these wooden backed...

Autumnal Tails Series

Fantails, a common NZ native bird loved by many, are fun, friendly, and fragile. I have created a series of artworks in celebration of these critters called Autumnal Tails. Fantail do not tend to live more than 3 years as they are susceptible to winter’s cold....

The Birds are Busy…

I love this time of year!The birds have been busy and their young are fledging. Fledglings are curious and not very not "street-smart" so we often get closer to them than their parents. They tend to sit and check us out checking them out. Freshly Fledged Fantail...

Are You Journal Mad, Too?

I love notebooks.Actually, I love all stationery, but journals have a special place on my stationery shelves.  I love the idea of journals as a collection of thoughts, a place to collate information, for doodles and drawings...but more than that, I love notebooks...